North America

Utility Products / Performance Features

3 pt. Hitch

Condition soil and seed grass, or haul branches and operate a rotary cutter. Pick up square bales and haul them home. With the 3 pt. hitch, you’ll boost productivity of your ToolcatTM 5610.Finally, you’ll have the ability to operate Category 1 implements typically reserved for compact tractors.

Plus, you’ll be able to do something else compact tractors can’t either: complete two tasks in one pass. Simply pair a front attachment with a rear 3 pt. implement. Perform your usual 3-point implement jobs, or hook up an attachment and 3-point implement to easily transition between tasks. For example, blow snow, then blade the tight corners. Or, sweep, then blow leaves or debris. Operation is simple with a depth indicator, mechanical float, work mode, and superior visibility.

Use implements such as:

  • 3 pt. Tiller
  • 3 pt. Angle Blade
  • 3 pt. Auger
  • 3 pt. Box Blade
  • 3 pt. Finish Mower
  • 3 pt. Rotary Cutter
  • 3 pt. Tine Rake
  • 3 pt. Snowblower
  • 3 pt. Soil Cultivator
  • 3 pt. Seeder
3 pt. tine rake is used with the Toolcat 5610 to prepare soil for planting.